Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The Full Nelson: Back with a Vengeance!!
Get ready for it... it's coming... Boom. For all my wrestling fans, who like it rough... I invite you to my second installment of my charity event, "The Full Nelson" at San Francisco's The Powerhouse (1347 Folsom Street). On Saturday, August 24th from 10pm - 2am, join myself and friends, as we grind it out on the mats, while raising funds for Magnet (San Francisco's fantastic free testing clinic and community center). There will be tough guys from wall to wall, wearing singlets, and jamming to "Meaty Beats by Juan". Get it boy! It's coming soon... so get ready for it.... Sweaty, sexy, man on man action... wrestling hard, and giving their all for a well deserved charity. If you're in San Francisco, suit up!
Friday, May 3, 2013
OINK ALERT! 6 Movies to get you Race-ing!
Soooooooweeee! Soooooowweeeeeeee!!! That's right piglets, the piggy siren has sounded. That means more filth from yours truly, courtesy of Raging Stallion Studios, Fetish Force and Fisting Central! Ready for some filth to be dropped into your piggy troughs to swallow? Ok. Here it is. Eat it up children.
Just released from Raging Stallion, and directed by Bruno Bond is "Militia". It's a hunky epic of men, in a secret military camp, getting their aggression out with each others assault rifles.... So true to life! I star along the hunky Markus Ruhl, and give him a sweaty, hard, ass fucking that is unbelievable. You will love how angry we get while fucking! Also from RS, is director Tony Buff's "Backyard Boys". Set in the back lot of a circus, I tie down my fellow carnie Preston Steel, and show him how to really pitch a tent... bonus scene is hammering rods into our penises. Yup... another sounding scene. I'm a freak!
As we wind our way down the dirty slope of seduction, Fetish Force offers me up in two very fun and hot scenes. In "Hoodies", I get to smack, choke, CBT, and fuck fellow player Brian Bonds. God, I loved fucking that soulless ginger! Then it's on to abusing one of my favorite blonds in the biz, Adam Herst, in "SafeWord". Adam wasn't used to being tied up and tortured usually... and of course my twisted mind didn't tell him what he was in for, when we started the scene.... Those screams of his, are real. Yay for me!
Now, to move down... way down.... where you can find magic in my butthole! In Fisting Central's "Barefoot & Fisted", I star along Sebastian Keys. We perform a hot switch hit of fisting on each other, directed by Tony Buff. Delight in the cramming of meaty hand hooks into each others holes, all while licking and sucking each others feet. OINK! Say it with me piglets.... OINK! But that's not all you filthy swine. There's also, "Dude! Where's My Watch?" directed by Steve Cruz.... Where Josh West pushes deep down to retrieve gold? silver? plutonium? his watch? Who knows! He's mining for something in my ass, and I'm loving every minute of it. If this plethora of smut doesn't get you blowing a load soon... I need to get out of this business. You can check out all these movies on my movie sidebar, or go to your neighborhood slut outlet.
Later piglets.... :)
Just released from Raging Stallion, and directed by Bruno Bond is "Militia". It's a hunky epic of men, in a secret military camp, getting their aggression out with each others assault rifles.... So true to life! I star along the hunky Markus Ruhl, and give him a sweaty, hard, ass fucking that is unbelievable. You will love how angry we get while fucking! Also from RS, is director Tony Buff's "Backyard Boys". Set in the back lot of a circus, I tie down my fellow carnie Preston Steel, and show him how to really pitch a tent... bonus scene is hammering rods into our penises. Yup... another sounding scene. I'm a freak!
As we wind our way down the dirty slope of seduction, Fetish Force offers me up in two very fun and hot scenes. In "Hoodies", I get to smack, choke, CBT, and fuck fellow player Brian Bonds. God, I loved fucking that soulless ginger! Then it's on to abusing one of my favorite blonds in the biz, Adam Herst, in "SafeWord". Adam wasn't used to being tied up and tortured usually... and of course my twisted mind didn't tell him what he was in for, when we started the scene.... Those screams of his, are real. Yay for me!
Now, to move down... way down.... where you can find magic in my butthole! In Fisting Central's "Barefoot & Fisted", I star along Sebastian Keys. We perform a hot switch hit of fisting on each other, directed by Tony Buff. Delight in the cramming of meaty hand hooks into each others holes, all while licking and sucking each others feet. OINK! Say it with me piglets.... OINK! But that's not all you filthy swine. There's also, "Dude! Where's My Watch?" directed by Steve Cruz.... Where Josh West pushes deep down to retrieve gold? silver? plutonium? his watch? Who knows! He's mining for something in my ass, and I'm loving every minute of it. If this plethora of smut doesn't get you blowing a load soon... I need to get out of this business. You can check out all these movies on my movie sidebar, or go to your neighborhood slut outlet.
Later piglets.... :)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Bringing the Fight, Bringing the Fun Back!
Hello my piglets... it occurred to me late last year that I needed an outlet in some way, to connect with people on a more personal level; as connecting through porn has it's limits. It never occurred to me that it would be able to be done through a party.... But around my birthday, I hosted my friend Suzan Revah's Nasty (she was on vacation), which turned out to be a success! It was such a success that the owner of Powerhouse, asked me if I wanted to do my own event at his establishment. Having experienced creating and then ending 'Hot Nerd'... I was aware of the work that goes into producing a bar event, but this could be different, as I had learned from previous mistakes. If I was going to do another event, it would have to be like 'Nasty' and be for the purpose of charitable fundraising. After talking more at length with The Powerhouse and with Suzan, I decided that I could do it.... I could make a fun party, and raise much needed funds for charity at the same time. So, I can now proudly say... that "The Full Nelson" is exactly what I wanted. A way to connect with my community, be philanthropic, and have a hell of a good time, all at once. The party is a quarterly (every 3 months) wrestling night, filled with wrestling matches on stage, singlet wearing go-go boys, funky music, and a whole bunch of hotness with crowds of people sporting their sporty attire! If you are in San Francisco... you don't want to miss it! :) It'll be hardcore fun! Saturday, April 27th. 10pm to 2am at The Powerhouse (1347 Folsom Street).
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Silence is Deafening

His journey, was a life both in front of the camera, as well as a life outside. However, most importantly it was a life with his partner Jerry. They both loved each other immensely. With that amount of love, they did everything in their power to stay together. But laws regarding gay marriage, and a lack of empathy fought against it. With Jerry taking his life a couple weeks prior, my friend Wilfried, followed by taking his. I have gone through my share of friends committing suicide, and I can say that it's the shittiest thing to fucking go through... and it never gets easier. What I do take away from it is a simple sentence. It is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem. Both Jerry and Wilfried took their lives, because they couldn't find any other solution to this problem.
Perhaps in a way that is the only answer, any of us will have in this tragedy. I implore all of you that read this... that are touched, hurting, connected to Wilfried, or myself... to not keep it to yourself. To share. To tell someone that you care about them, to lend a hand, or an ear.... to let this dark hollowed pain not be for nothing. To let no one you know feel alone, unable to find solutions. There is no more time to be silent as people we love are leaving us. There is no reason for this to continue. Where the silence had burrowed into our collective consciousness... there is room now for an idea to grow. An idea that we as a gay community can do better, in keeping our friends safe from harm. In speaking up and letting everyone understand what gay rights are. That they are indeed the rights of everyone... and maybe have some empathy for us. It's an idea that has legs... and if it keeps growing and being fed.... It could be seen by the world. It's an idea... that I'm sure, Wilfried would have nurtured. Especially along one of his many long walks.

I will miss you greatly, Wilfried... you were truly one of a kind. I know that you're at peace with Jerry... and that you both are walking hand in hand together.... the view must be amazing. Au revoir, mon ami.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
2012: The Pursuit of Happiness
It's been my new tradition to recap my year, and make sense of it all, as I go into a new one. Which surprisingly as a writer, is not an easy task; as perhaps writing about sex, politics, or anything else in this topsy-turvy porn world we all encompass. However, I will try for you. My friends. My piglets. To make sense of what was the year 2012, and what is yet to come for 2013.
My year started out while I took a very extended vacation in Europe. I don't know about you, but for me long vacations are more about the internal journey, than they are about the experiences and the people met along the way. There is something that happens to oneself, when taken out of the daily grind and schedule of everyday life. It allows me to be closer to who I truly am, and not what my family, peers, or anyone in my regular company, have come to expect me to be. The experience of being alone in exploration of the world, allows a great deal of reflective thought. When I wrote last year's New Year entry... That's exactly where I was. Deep, in thought. Even though I seemed to be having a very fabulous time, with shoots and hot hookups in London, exploration of museums and art in Paris, and a crazy cool dance/fetish scene in Berlin... There was contemplation of what I was truly missing in my life, and what connections I really wanted to have with others on a deeper level. A transition in my life was necessary. It was that contemplation, that set the stage for the past year.
When I got back from Europe, I realized that there were friends I had... That weren't really my friends. If I wanted a deeper connection with friends, I would have to let my walls down a bit. I also would have to do more exploration of the pain and hurt I had in my life... If I wanted to let more happiness in. Ugh (eye roll). I took a trip to my hometown Toronto... And made a point of spending a great deal of time with family, both blood and chosen. It helped to center me before embarking on a path of a new me. My focus changed from playing the "Pornstar game", ie. networking, being fabulous, fucking a lot... To focusing on my health, both physical and mental, as well as communicating more with my family, or the friends I considered family. Apparently that inward change, started to be noticed by people outwardly... As photographers such as Mark Henderson shot me for a book, I was re-signed as an exclusive for Raging Stallion Studios, and I met a new friend who un-expectantly became the closest thing to a twin brother I've ever had. Something was happening, but I knew I still had more work to do.
I started psychological therapy in the spring, to exorcise some of the demons of my past. Mental-health is a taboo in this country, for some strange reason. Even though most of us could use it in one way or another... But unfortunately, the stigmas associated with mental-health don't help us as a nation to move forward; and the lack of services available make it worse for those who really need it. I never believed I was in a dire situation to really need it, but there was definitely trauma from my childhood I wasn't dealing with, which had given me some behavioral issues and a lack of trust of others. These were deeply rooted, and if I wanted to pursue a happy life... I had to dig deep, really deep.... To unearth them. I'm very lucky to live in San Francisco. A city that recognizes the importance of mental-health, as well as physical, and therefore provides these services for minimal costs or sometimes free of charge. Therapy started slow, but once it began, the inward growth happened fast. All allowing for stronger communication with family and friends, as well as giving me the strength to get rid of negative people and influences in my life. I realized who the people were in my life that truly loved me... And that restored faith in love made me decide to follow my passion for fitness, and begin my studies in the field of Personal Training / Physical Therapy. By mid summer, my life and how I regarded the people closest to me was completely different. And that's when it happened. I found him.
He is the partner I always dreamed of, but never thought was real. It made me understand that all the other times I thought I was in love before... I really wasn't. We both shake our heads on a daily basis on how fortunate we feel to have found each other... After both of us searched our entire lives for the other. I now go into this year with faith restored in love for my friends, and in true love being possible and reflected back to me. To be in love with Thomas, who is, in essence, everything I could have ever asked for, is nothing short of amazing. He makes me happier than anything or anyone I've ever known.
So, this has been my journey. This has been my year. And all the pain, anger, frustration, sadness had a reason... If it all helps in the pursuit of happiness. It's amusing to me. When people I've known for a long time on the street, express how happy I look, or that "you're glowing". All I can do in reply is thank them, and smile. A fan wrote to me recently, who asked how I do it. How do you motivate yourself? How do you go for the things you truly want, when mired by self-doubt? How do you not stand in your own way? It might seem from the outside that I've never been plagued by this problem. But I assure you. I have. It's tough to do it, but you have to dig deep. You have to envision the happy place that's there. The place you feel most at home. The place where you feel strongest in your abilities. Cross that threshold in your mind, and sit in that happy place.... And have faith that you and only you, can get you there. Everything that is in the way, is only an obstacle... A problem with a yet to be discovered solution... And YOU can find a way around it. You CAN get there. You can find happiness. The journey might be long, and definitely hurtful along the way... But it's there. Waiting. For you. Happiness. All you have to do is pursue it, and have faith along the way.
I found my happiness this year, reflected in the people I cared for the most. They have been my faith. By sharing my problems with them, they in turn by just being themselves, helped me overcome obstacles.... and finally, find happiness. However, my pursuit is far from complete, even though 2012 is almost over. The clock is chiming, and it's time for me to follow my bliss some more. Some serious writing perhaps. But... Let me leave you with this. I've never been one to really believe in resolutions, but I am a man that believes in wishes coming true. So I wish joy and happiness for everyone in 2013. May you all pursue what makes you whole and brings you to the end of your journey. Let's make the new year.... A very, very, happy one.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, December 3, 2012
Oink Alert: Tied to a kitchen table and serving it up.
My piglets... the newest installment of 'oink fantasy', a la Tony Buff and starring myself, is now available for your pleasure. Shot in Seattle during this summer, I'm in two scenes for the movie... "Save My Hole"! I get tied up on a butcher table, and my hole fisted expertly, by the talented Leo Forte; but then have another scene where I get to turn the tables (so to speak), and shove my arm deep, into the magically endless cavern that is Boyhous! OINK!!! Please enjoy the many carnal delights of this cinematic masterpiece, by picking up the DVD from your neighborhood slut-o-rama, or just click on the movie on "My Movies" sidebar list, to order direct. Cheers!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Doing Good, by being Bad Ass!
It's one of my birthday wishes that everyone I know in San Francisco be at The Powerhouse on Friday, November 30th... Why? Because it's my birthday celebration night, but also because it feels good to give back in some way.... And on this night, I get to kill two birds with one stone! When my good friend Suzan Revah, asked me to host and coordinate the successful SF fundraising party - Nasty, I couldn't say no. She told me to do whatever I wanted to please the piggy masses.... and I thought... wrestling.... dirty, sexy, rough, wrestling. And by giving donations there, I get to help raise money for Project Inform. A non-profit, specializing in information and advocacy for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Connections to legal, housing, and medical support is provided by this great charity, helping countless names in the bay area. I hope that you all come out to support a great cause, and watch me wrestle, as well as many other hot and horny men on stage for this event. It will be fucking LEGIT!!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Birthday wishes!
On December 5th, I turn 39. There. I said it. It's the last year of my 30's... and I have to say, I feel pretty blessed. I have an amazing boyfriend, and amazing best friend, and an astounding chosen family, who loves and supports me. All of this positivity that I've put out to the universe, has finally come back... and I couldn't be happier. Usually, I don't ask for anything for my birthday. But this year.... I think, why not? I seem to be on a roll. So, I'm gonna make some birthday wishes. It's all about positive vibes being sent out!
Birthday wishes
#1 - A medium size t-shirt with JJ from "Good Times" saying... "Dy-No-Mite!"
#2 - Everybody I know in SF to come to the Nasty fundraiser I'm organizing at Powerhouse on Nov. 30th (kinda like a b-day party, but more interested in raising money for AIDS charities) I'll be wrestling!!!
#3 - A new snowboard (had the same snowboard for 13 years, kinda need an update)
#4 - Flight or buddy pass to see my bf in Boston over Xmas
#5 - The Giants to win the World Series. ORANGE OCTOBER!!
#6 - Enrollment for National Academy of Sports Medicine, to get certified as a personal trainer/physical therapist
#7 - Beats Headphones (white)
#8 - Membership on Spotify
Birthday wishes
#1 - A medium size t-shirt with JJ from "Good Times" saying... "Dy-No-Mite!"
#2 - Everybody I know in SF to come to the Nasty fundraiser I'm organizing at Powerhouse on Nov. 30th (kinda like a b-day party, but more interested in raising money for AIDS charities) I'll be wrestling!!!
#3 - A new snowboard (had the same snowboard for 13 years, kinda need an update)
#4 - Flight or buddy pass to see my bf in Boston over Xmas
#5 - The Giants to win the World Series. ORANGE OCTOBER!!
#6 - Enrollment for National Academy of Sports Medicine, to get certified as a personal trainer/physical therapist
#7 - Beats Headphones (white)
#8 - Membership on Spotify
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Hustle to Berlin!
Is my life actually like this? Am I really going to Berlin for the third time in a year? I keep shaking my head at how lucky I am... Yes, Euro-piglets! I'll be touching down in Berlin once again for Hustlaball's 10th Anniversary Blowout! I'll be on stage, getting nasty, and spreading the dirty love.... before autographing for the fans of Europe. I'll be joined by fellow American porn stars.... Landon Conrad, Michael Brandon, Ryan Raz, Ricky Sinz, and Spencer Reed. I hope to see you there.... It's gonna be clutch!!! Also, looking forward to re-connecting with friends that I've acquired in Berlin, London, Paris, and Barcelona.... Peeps put on your heels, fire up the smoke machine.... we are gonna dance all fucking night!!! :) For more information on the Hustlaball event and schedule... click here.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Oink Alert! Back in the RS saddle!

Next up is a movie that Raging Stallion / Falcon president Chris Ward had to talk me into..... my first ever sounding video. I'm featured in 'Sounding #8', directed by Chris Ward... and even though I was apprehensive at first... I actually enjoyed it. It's a very intense sensation to massage your prostate through the inside of your urethra... but not as intense as when you cum after. HOLY MOTHERFUCKER OF GOD!!!! I think the whole building heard my scream... and I'm sure the editor who had to edit my scene went deaf.... Oh well. Movie magic at its best! To check out these movies, just go to your neighborhood smut store, or click on the movie in 'My movies' sidebar. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Oink Alert! The last Titanmen flicks.

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