Saturday, November 27, 2010

A B-day of Epic Proportions

Tequila will be flying off the shelves when myself (Dec. 5), Samuel Colt (Dec.6) and Chris Porter (Dec. 11) celebrate our birthdays on Dec. 11th! If you plan on being in San Francisco during that night, you probably don't want to miss out. DJ ChiChi LaRue will be spinning, with Sister Roma blessing our drinks. I don't think I've ever done a party like this.... but I'm sooooooo looking forward to it. My best bud Tony Aziz will be there, as will Spencer Reed (celebrating his b-day too!), and good friend Alessio Romero. This is gonna so be fucking OTC! Held at The Lookout, in the Castro... from 10:30 pm... until we send ChiChi home in a cab.


  1. ...and ME, December 10th! Oh, wait...I'm not a pornstar.

  2. Race happy B'day on the 5th, its your SPECIAL DAY. Brotha with age comes WISDOM, SERENITY, and BEAUTY. EMBRACE IT.
    Enjoy your day as if its the last. wish I could be in San Fran to BRUK OUT IN A PASSA PASSA on your day but just returned from Toronto, planning to be back in San Fran/ LA. on Feb 5th. so I need to budget.

    NUFF RESPEK. be safe youthman. ABSOLUTE LOVE

    Victor/ V Don.

  3. Hope you guys have a banging Birthday Bash!!

