Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Get your fashion on.....

It was kinda weird to put clothing on for a photo shoot... but fashion photographer Ruben Jimenez, wanted to shoot me.... Here's a couple of un-retouched photos. Will give you a better look later, piglets.


  1. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL man. Love the shot on the sofa. SEXY AND PROVOCATIVE. Hope you and your significant one had a nice Valentines. Found a magazine from 2005 with a poster shot of you. got it in DC/ Miami? at a Black pride event. you had dreads/ braids?will send it to you if you like on my return to Boston in a couple of weeks.

  2. You don't need to be naked to be incredibly handsome, my friend!

  3. You are a amazing man !!! beautiful...

  4. Very nice! Your pictures naked or with clothes are always very sexy! Thank you for sharing them with us.
