Friday, December 4, 2009

Senior Pornstars are still HAWT!

Tomorrow's my birthday, and I turn 36. I'm not bothered by it at all, but when my husband jokingly referred to me as a 'senior pornstar'... it got me thinking. Am I really that old? To most of my friends, I'm a fucking pup. However, in the world of porn... I'm no spring chicken, and rightly so. Spring chickens have less muscle and meat on them!

Most people will easily call someone out for racist comments, or racial stereotyping in a porn scenario.... but I find that ageism is always given a pass. Granted, from a marketing standpoint, you want to get models that will be popular with a wide audience, but hot is hot!
I shot with Allen Silver early on with, because I thought he would be great to shoot with.... and I was right! But I couldn't believe the amount of negative ageist comments that I received. If he isn't your cup of tea... so be it. No need to get snarky, and say that men like him should be euthanized. Living in SF, and having a husband who's much older than me... I can appreciate all that mature men have to offer. I just hope that when I get to that age, I won't have to put up with stupid little kids that think they're all that, just because their in their 20's. Fuck you! For the record.... putting on your hook-up profile "don't even bother me if you are over 30", doesn't make you look cool. It just makes you a douche.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. senior pornstar or pup. hot is hot. and you are fucking hot! period. or i guess exclamation point!

    happy birthday!

  3. Glad you are 'older' -- we need more Men in porn, but just boys and twinks. And as 'about a boy' said -- Hot is Hot, and your are HOT! Happy Birthday

  4. Race pornstars in there 30's and 40's are the hottest. I wish there were more in the business, you and scott alexander make me wanna touch myself every fucking time! Happy Birthday and I hope that you will give us at least ten more years of the best in porn. Shango, black brother in North Carolina 36 years old and fucking happy about it! lol

  5. oh no damn i just realized im 37! lmao well the mind is not what it use to be! Damn but im still

  6. "Most people will easily call people out for racist comments, or racial stereotyping in a porn scenario..."

    I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, I find it kind of funny that there are -- and continue to be -- porn films made about prison scenarios where there are no blacks or Hispanics, when the reality of the situation is that prisons at some point or another house as many as 1/3 of the black men in America, and a not-insignificant number of Latinos as well; that just strikes me as odd.

    At the same time, there continue to be niche-marketed porn products that routinely and exclusively deal with "straight" men of color in highly stereotypical ways (generally speaking, as thug trade, often as not), and it doesn't seem that the white men who buy these products or harbor these very fantasies are ever really addressed head-on (though I admit, living here in the wilderness of Texas, I'm not always as well-read on adult industry trends as I might be living on either coast).

    All the same, as a gay man of color at the age of forty-one living in a large college town with a very diffuse gay "community," I certainly feel it about the gay ageism thing. Fortunately, I was never into guys in their twenties even when I was in my twenties, and now I can go after all the seasoned men I like, and even catch a cub or two checking me out from time to time as well. I can't be sour about that, as much as I'd like to be lately.

  7. First happy birthday. Second, If you're not getting older; you're pushing up daisy's !

  8. Wonder what happened to some of these guys.I knew a few guys like Carlis Sharpe of Sierra Domino. havent seen him in years . used to keep in contact with him but have lost touch.
